Our Commer WINS TROPHY!! in South Australian Car Show.
After crossing into South Australia we spent the rest of January exploring some of the states beautiful towns and we met many fantastic and some very interesting people along the way.
On the way to Adelaide we stopped for a couple of days at Port Pirie which has the worlds largest Lead smelter and quite an attractive town "apart from the smelter of course."
From there we moved onto Adelaide and spent the next 4 days taking in the sights. During a bush walk in the hills east of Adelaide Amanda, our wildlife photographer, took some great shots of Koalas in their natural environment. We also visited the National Motor Museum and were given privileged parking on the forecourt.
With the Australia day long weekend now upon us we had to leave Adelaide as all caravan parks were pre booked out and the holiday rush had set in.
So we moved on to Waitinga beach on the south coast and set up a camp in the bush to spend a further 4 days and "wait" out the holiday peak time. This lull in our travelling gave me some time for some maintenance and the Commer got a well needed oil and filter change and her many nipples greased.
We ended the month in Victor Harbor, a very pretty town and popular tourist destination with steam trains, horse drawn tram and paddle steamers nearby just to mention a few of the towns attractions.
It is a beautiful place to visit, so we stayed a week. During our stay the Historical Vehicle Club of SA was holding a Classic/Vintage car show and a Vintage Auto Jumble. So, after a good clean up and a trip to the Auto Parts store for some polish we decided to enter the Commer and see what the locals would think of her.
There were many beautifully restored and unique vehicles on display and i didn't expect to win any of the categories with such a high quality display of vehicles present. However interest from the locals had kept me busy answering questions and showing people over her.
Whilst drinking a coffee in the canteen area i was very surprised to hear the PA announce that the "owner of the Commer Bus from WA" was required at the winners tent. It was a very proud moment to receive the trophy from the president of the HVCSA and from the boys at Shannons classic car insurance. We won "Best Commercial Vehicle" an unexpected victory especially with some of the older and very unique vans and light trucks on display.
A great way to end our stay at Victor Harbor.
The proud winners!!!
Distance since leaving home 2765 Miles
No major mechanical problems as yet. The 1724cc Rootes motor is chugging & tapping away happily. "TOUCH WOOD!"